Title: Industry Guest Session on “Cloud Computing and Virtualization”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2023-05-13","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Saturday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Saturday

Activity: Industry Guest Lecture on “Cloud Computing” was organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune. The session was attended by 35+ students from TE Computer Engineering Department. Expert covered topics Cloud Computing need in Industry, Virtualization concepts was explained by expert.

Title: Industry Guest Session on “Software Architecture design and Testing”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2023-05-16","endDate":"2023-05-17"},"Location":{"title":"Tuesday, Wednesda","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , - , Tuesday, Wednesda

Activity: Industry Guest Lecture on “Software Architecture design and Testing” has organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE,Pune. The session was attended by 50+ students from SE Computer Engineering Department.In This Session Speaker has introduced Software Architecture design paradigms and introduction to Architecture Design Framework. Sir briefly explained Testing types and concepts

Title: Session on “Java Beyond the Basics”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2023-05-06","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Saturday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Saturday

Activity: Guest Session on “Java Beyond the Basics: Tips & Tricks for Advance Development has organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune. The session was attended by 75+ students from SE Computer Engineering Department. Guest lecture was mainly focused on the following topics: Java fundamentals, OOPS concepts, Exceptions, Multithreading, Collections, and tips for Java interview

Title: Three Days Workshop On “Python Programming”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2023-05-16","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Tuesday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Tuesday

Activity: Three Days Workshop on “Python Programming” was organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune.The session was attended by 90+ students from SE Computer Engineering Department. Expert covered topics. Expression in Python Flow Control in Python Loops in Python Project in Python- 3 Missionaries 3 cannibal game

Title: Sneak-Peak series on “DevOps”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2022-11-12","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":" Saturday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Saturday

Activity: Industry Guest Lecture on “DevOps” was organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune. The session was attended by 90+ students from SE Computer Engineering Department. Expert covered topics DevOps need in Industry, DeOps Architecture, Working Model and importance of DevOps.

Title: Industry Guest Session on “Software Architecture design and Testing”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2022-05-09","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Monday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Monday

Activity: Industry Guest Lecture on “Software Architecture design and Testing” has organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune.50+ students attended the session from SE Computer Engineering Department.In This Session Speaker has introduced Software Architecture design paradigms and introduction to Architecture design Framework.

Title: Industry Guest Session on “Digital Skill – Product Design (UI/UX)”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2022-04-26","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":" Tuesday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Tuesday

Activity: FOSS club of Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE Pune, organized session. Second Year students of Computer Engineering attended the session.100 + students of SE attended the session. The speaker has delivered the Concepts of UI/UX.

Title: Industry Guest Session on “Basics of Git and GitHub”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2022-02-11","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Friday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Friday

Activity: Session on “Basics of Git and GitHub” has organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune under FOSS Club. The session was attended by 100 students from FE and SE Computer Engineering Department.

Title: Industry guest session on Mobile Application Development using Xamarin: Forms

{"Period":{"startDate":"2020-11-12","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Thursday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Thursday

Activity: Industry guest session on Mobile Application Development using Xamarin: Forms by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune. The session was attended by 90+ students from TE Computer Engineering Department.

Title: Industry guest session on Importance of Advanced Concepts in Object Oriented Programming and Use of GitHub for Real-Time Project Development.

{"Period":{"startDate":"2020-11-11","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":" Wednesday,","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Wednesday,

Activity: Industry guest session on Importance of Advanced Concepts in Object Oriented Programming and Use of GitHub for Real-Time Project Development by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune. The session was attended by 90+ students from SE Computer Engineering Department.


{"Period":{"startDate":"2019-02-18","endDate":"2019-02-27"},"Location":{"title":"","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , - ,

Resource Person: Mr. Gaurav Bhokre (S/ W Developer, Void Star India Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) Objective: To learn OpenGL and develop animations using OpenGL. - FOSS Club of Modern College of Engineering Pune-05, has organized workshop on Computer graphics using Open GL. - Mr. Gaurav has explained in history, present & future of computer graphics. They briefed about OpenGL as a standard, framework, windowing, pixels, rasterization process, framebuffers and GPU. - They gave hands-on for programs like colored window, OpenGL primitives, 2D & 3D drawing. Outcome: Students will able to explain OpenGL framework and develop small 2D & 3D animation using OpenGL. POs Mapped with the Activity/Event: PO1, PO5, PO12.


{"Period":{"startDate":"2018-07-26","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Thursday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Thursday

Resource Person: Ms. Seema Acharya, Senior Lead, Infosys Ltd. Objective: To understand the use of Data Analytics using R. Outcome: Students are able to explain about data analytics and R. Summary report: Ms. SeemaAcharya has explained Features of R Language, Brief about the various data mining algorithms. She also explained Implementation of Market based analysis, Classification, K-means clustering using R. POs Mapped with the Activity/Event :PO1, PO5, PO12


{"Period":{"startDate":"2018-09-12","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Monday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Monday

Resource Person:Mr. K. S. Khadke Objective: To understand the GNU Toolchain. Outcome: Students are able to use GNU Toolchain. Summary report: FOSS of Modern College of Engineering Pune-05, has organized session on GNU Toolchain. Mr. KunalKhadkehas explained in brief about GNU Toolchain and its use in Linux OS. He explained about the CC1, Assembler, DDD, LD, etc. POs Mapped with the Activity/Event :PO1, PO5, PO12


{"Period":{"startDate":"2018-10-13","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Saturday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Saturday

Resource Person:Mr. Nachiket Kulkarni, Ms. Ishwari Kulkarni, Ms. Aditi Chavan, Ms. Vinamra Pathak. Objective: To inculcate presentation and communication skills by demonstrating implemented project work. Outcome: Participants got awareness about fast growing technologies and suggestions for converting mini project into major practical usages. Summary report: FOSS club of Modern College of Engineering Pune-05, has organized a department level project competition for SE, TE and BE students. Students got open platform to present their mini projects. They got guidelines and assessment of projects by industry personnel. 20 projects groups from SE, TE and BE participated in competition. Shortlisted Projects: SE: Shopping Mall Software. TE: College news Portal and Smart Assessment System. BE: App Controlled Bot. POs Mapped with the Activity/Event : PO1, PO4, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9, PO10.

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